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What are the dangerous germs in the cups and mugs present in the office?

Our mind is tired sitting in front of the computer, which serves as teaF5 for frying or refining.

This tea is found in the cup present in the office. But do you know how much this cup present in the office is for our health?

Dr Charlotte Gerba, professor of Arizona University, proved that there are germs that contain 90% of the disease in the cup or mug in the office, while 20% of the coli forum bacteria are included. Which is born in wastes and other similar things.

According to research, the sponge used to wash the cup or mugs in the office greatly changes. Due to which acne called acrylic and human waste components move to vessels. This germ can cause diabetes, vomiting, stomach pain and fever.

The research team has discovered more than five germs in office chairs that move from human skin, nose, mouth and stomach there.

The research was said that in the offices the process of poor cleaning and drinking of the kitchen can be caused by spreading different diseases.

He said that men’s offices are tremendous to the offices of women.

Researchers said that due to these germs the risk of kidney failure may worsen.

He advised people to take their own cup in offices and take them back together.